Breastfeeding Resources

Favorites from your Friendly Neighborhood IBCLC
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General Breastfeeding Information

  • Biological Nurturing – Describes why it works and how to do laid-back breastfeeding.
  • La Leche League articles, podcasts, find local groups for mother-to-mother support
  • – Reliable breastfeeding information on a wide range of topics
  • Breastfeeding Made Simple – Offers a general breastfeeding help including current information about post-partum depression and breastfeeding.
  • Dr. Jack Newman – Video clips of normal breastfeeding, breast compression, swallowing

Low Milk Supply & Breast Surgery

  • BFAR – Information and support for mothers breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery
  • MOBI Motherhood – Information about, and suggestion for treating low milk supply

Expressing Milk

Bottle Feeding

Engorgement/Lymphatic Drainage

Reflux & Colic

  • Webinar on holistic treatment of reflux in infants
  • Fussy Baby Network provides support for parents, and help for their babies that cry a lot.

Postpartum Mood Disorder (PPMD)

Medications & Breastfeeding

  • Infant Risk Center – Current data about what medications are safe to take while breastfeeding

Safe Sleep Guidelines

  • KellyMom – Cosleeping and nighttime parenting

Craniosacral Therapy & Chiropractic

  • Kellymom – Articles about alternative body work therapies that can improve breastfeeding difficulties


Breastfeeding In Public

  • Breastfeeding Law – Easy to access website providing current information about state and federal breastfeeding laws

Breastfeeding & the Workplace

Insurance Coverage For Lactation Care

  • National Women’s Law Center – Information and tools to help individuals increase the likelihood of insurance reimbursement for lactation services